Archive for April, 2006

English for dummies (with Dutch sub titles)

April 6th, 2006

So every language group has a certain type of language errors they are prone to make. Dutch people generally speak terrific English (it's not a myth, it's true), but even here they have a way of making certain mistakes over and over and over. Yeah, I'm too lazy to keep notes and make a list of it, but most striking is the way they misuse make. "make the test", "make the exam", "make the exercises", it's "take the test", "take the exam", "do the exercises". No other error is as widespread as this one, it's like they never realize it.

I was wrong

April 5th, 2006

I am still in my head all the damn time, just that with enough distractions to not have to think about one thing for too long, my thoughts don't converge into any plausible blog entry.

..longer than one sentence, apparently. I hope everyone else is having a better week than me. :lazy:

oh the dilemma

April 4th, 2006

Imagine this. You've been banging your head against the wall for a month and a half, you're patience is being thoroughly tested. Do you tell the person off and risk never getting on good terms with them or do you keep your mouth shut and keep hoping things might work out?

I won't say anymore for fear of compromising the situation. :lazy:

no blog for you

April 4th, 2006

In case you're wondering what happened to the daily updates on this blog, you will be pleased to know that I no longer feel compelled to write them. Escaping the dungeons of Keizerstraat 35, on Friday I moved to a new house. An Erik-lead inspection yesterday approved the new living quarters and as I'm now back online, I'm no longer stuck in my head 24/7 and thus I no longer have to write compulsively.

This blog is back to normal, back to you, Sheryl.